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American Chemical Society Poster Session & Meeting

FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023

The Poster Session will be held from 5:00 – 7:00pm in the 3rd floor lobby of the Chemistry Building.  The meeting will begin at 7:00pm in room Gilmer 390. 

Posters may be set up after 3:00pm on Friday, April 21st in the 3rd floor lobby of the Chemistry Building.  The presentation surfaces will provide you with a 4′ wide poster area.  Feel free to leave your poster up until after the ACS program.  Keep your text simple, in large letters, and to the point. Complete sentences are not required. People do not like to read a lot of words; they want to know what the main points are.  You should be available for discussion with viewers for the 5:00-7:00 p.m.

To participate in this year’s poster session, please submit:

  • Title, authors, and school affiliation by 12pm, Monday, April 17th. The author list should include the mentor’s name.  Please bold the names of those attending.
  • Abstracts by e-mail attachment (preferrable in .doc or .docx format) to Cindy Knight at

Format of Abstract:

Title in bold face with sentence capitalization. Names of authors with last name first in regular text. Affiliations including department. Be sure mentor is included.

Blank line

Abstract in regular text. Limited to 200 words.


For GPS purposes, please use 70 Chemistry Dr. as the address.  Please note that our parking lots are accessed from Whitehead Road.  You will be ticketed if parking here prior to 5pm without a permit.

Pizza will be available for a $8.00 fee ($4.00 for High School Students). Soft drinks will be free. Reservations required for those having pizza.

We look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions call Cindy Knight at (434) 924-7995 or e-mail her at

Previous section meetings