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Third and Fourth Years

*******WARNING: You must declare a major in your 4th semester.********

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I wish to declare a major in the Chemistry Department.  What should I do?

First, pick up an undergraduate brochure from Cindy Knight in Room 404 or from the bulletin board outside Room 404.  This outlines the various programs available, and what the requirements are for each of them.  You will find Declaration of Major forms here as well.  Fill out the top part of the Declaration of Major form and take it along with your a copy of your VISTAA to one of the undergraduate advisers.  No appointment is necessary.  Just knock on their door and tell them you want to declare your major. When your major declaration form is completed and signed by one of the advisers listed above, bring it to Cindy Knight in Room 404, ChemBldg.

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I want to change my Chemistry B.A. to the B.Sc. Bio Specialization (or vice versa or a different specialization).  Do I have to re-declare?

Yes, it will be necessary to fill out a declaration form.  Follow the same steps above regarding declaring your major except mark the box that says this replaces my previous major.

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What does it mean to have ACS Certification?  Does it really matter if I have it or not? 

Here is a document from the American Chemical Society that discusses ACS Certification and it’s significance.

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I’d like to change my adviser.  What do I need to do? 

Fill out this form and return it to Monroe Hall.

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I would like to substitute a required course with a different one.  What should I do? 

If you wish to petition to substitute a required course with a different one, please fill out this form, take it (along with a copy of your unofficial transcript) to Professor Demas (CHM 143).  He will present your request to the Undergraduate Advising Committee.  You will be emailed once a decision has been reached.

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I’m considering Medical School after this.  Is there anything I should do to prepare? 

Meet with one of the Chemistry Department advisers.  Also, University Career Services has a great resource – Prehealth Prerequisite Course Stategies.

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I will be taking/have taken a chemistry course at another institution.  How do I obtain approval for transfer of credit?

You must obtain approval before you take the course; otherwise you run the risk of not having your class approved.  You will need to complete a Transfer Credit form, attach a course description or syllabus, and bring it to Professor Demas, Room 143 Chem Bldg.  The course description should be FROM THE CATALOG of the school you wish to transfer credit from.

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I have taken approved courses at another university.  How will this affect my GPA?

Approved transfer courses satisfy UVa requirements and give you hours toward your degree.  The grades on non-UVa courses are not included in your UVa transcript, nor are they used to compute your GPA.  For job, graduate or medical school applications you will have to request a separate transcript for each school at which you have taken classes.

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I took Chem 2410/3410 (whatever) and got a really low passing grade in it.   If I retake the class and get a better grade, will it improve my GPA and my transcript?

  If a course is passed and repeated, only the first grade received counts toward the computation of grade point average and the 120 credits required for graduation. The repeated course and its grade still appear on the student’s transcript.  If a course is failed and then repeated, both courses and grades appear on the transcript and are computed in the grade point average.  However, all Fs and unresolved NGs (No Grade) are calculated into your grade point average. Students with a grade of NG should immediately meet with their instructor to determine the permanent grade; the instructor must then submit a Grade Change Form. All grades of NG convert to F if not resolved.

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What is the lowest GPA a chemistry major is allowed to have?

In order to earn a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree and graduate, all University of Virginia College of Arts & Sciences students must earn 120 credits of course work in 8 semesters with an average of C or a grade point average of 2.0.  Currently, there is no minimum GPA for your chemistry courses.

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Biology 3000 or 3010 is a required course. There are no substitutions for this requirement.

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Do any chemistry courses fulfill the Second Writing Requirement?

No chemistry classes at present constitute a fulfillment of the Second Writing Requirement.  CHEM 4430, From Lab Bench to your Medicine Cabinet, has been proposed to satisfying the Second Writing Requirement.  However, it has not yet been approved.

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I am interested in doing research. What do I do next?

Go to the undergraduate research page.

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I am doing research in a lab in (Biology/Chemistry/the hospital/etc.) and have been getting credit for it in the Chemistry Department under Chem 4951 and Chem 4961.  But now I’ve done both of those and I don’t want to quit doing research.  Can I still get credit for it in the Chemistry Department?

Indeed you can (if it is relevant research). Simply keep signing up for Chem 4951 (fall semester) and Chem 4961 (spring semester).  Your research must be reviewed by a professor in the Chemistry Department, who will need a letter from your research mentor (if they are not the same person) and a progress report on the work you are doing.  This chemistry department mentor should be your instructor of record with ISIS for the class Chem 4951/4961.

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I am interested in taking an upper level course (>6000). What do I need to do? 

Undergraduate students wishing to enroll in College courses beyond the 5999-level should complete the “600 Form” for the appropriate semester. Students will need to seek permission from the instructor, the Director of the Undergraduate Major Program and the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences whose signatures are required on the form. Courses in other schools must be approved by the instructor and the department chair. Signed forms should be submitted to Monroe Hall for final approval.

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I’m a Fourth Year and planning to graduate.  What do I need to do? 

If you have questions about the Chemistry Department’s Graduation Ceremony, click here.