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Graduate Chemistry Program

Our Mission

Nurturing the development of the next generation of scientific leaders by providing financial, educational, social, and emotional support tailored to each student’s needs and dreams.

Graduate study is important for the individual seeking a rewarding and productive career in science, and this is particularly the case for those whose interests center on chemistry. Both academic and professional positions in industry and government demand study and experience beyond that usually found in undergraduate programs.

The University of Virginia is typically ranked as one of the top public universities in the nation and provides an excellent environment for study and scholarship. At the University of Virginia, graduate students are an integral part of a community of scholars dedicated to research, teaching, and lively intellectual inquiry. The major focus of a student’s graduate program is research on a significant problem under the guidance of an experienced faculty mentor. However, it is also important that a student develops a broad intellectual awareness of frontier research encompassing many areas of chemistry, and acquires a knowledge base and technical skills that will enhance their versatility and self-confidence as an independent research scientist. Our graduate program at the University of Virginia combines intensive research and specialized scholarly inquiry with diverse opportunities for broad professional development. Over the last 5 years, the mean/median time to Ph.D. degree has been 4.9/4.7 years with a 0.5 year standard deviation of the mean. The Department and UVA strives to provide competitive salary to Ph.D. students and to recognize our students' excellence by providing fellowships and awards.

Apply to Graduate School

Why should you enroll in our program?

The following video, produced by our graduate students, will answer this question:

Why UVA for Graduate School?

Director: Amelia Reid; Script: Amelia Reid;
Videographer: Anna Davis;
Editors: Melissa Leyden and Anna Davis;
Producers: Melissa Leyden and Anna Davis

Graduate Advisors