This handbook, which can be found here, provides an overview of the graduate program in the Chemistry Department at the University of Virginia.
- People
- Research
- Graduate
- Prospective & Transfer Students
- General Chemistry Options
- Policies
- Tutors
- Pre-Health
- Undergraduate Advisors
Chemistry Major
- Process for Declaring a Major, Minor, DMP, or ACS Certification
- B.A. in Chemistry
- B.S. Chemistry
- B.S. Specialization in Biochemistry
- B.S. Specialization in Chemical Education
- B.S. Specialization in Chemical Physics
- B.S. Specialization in Environmental Chemistry
- B.S. Specialization in Materials Science
- B.A./M.S. or B.S./M.S. in Chemistry ("3+1" Degree Option)
- Undergraduate Research
- Distinguished Majors Program
- Minor
- Forms
- Study Abroad
- Undergraduate FAQs
- Undergraduate Resources
- Safety
- Seminars